Orange Tourism | An Inclusive Tourism Philosophy

A Creative and Inclusive Way to Travel

The term “Orange tourism” comes under the umbrella of the “Orange Economy”, which refers to a cultural and creative economy. These two terms relate to a discussion of how to generate inclusive, alternative ways of working within the economic system, a philosophy which is of course applicable to tourism and which (under the aforementioned principles of culture and creativity), seeks to value the local identity of different communities.

This type of tourism has acquired the label “orange” in order to differentiate it from other creative, inclusive, and socially aware strands within the sector, for example: Green Tourism (relating to nature), Blue Tourism (relating to the sea), or Pink Tourism (relating to LGBT+ tourism), amongst others.

Inclusive Orange Tourism

To talk about Orange Tourism is to talk about all of those inclusive aspects which make for a participative travel experience. Through its different approaches, it seeks the interaction of the traveller. As such, it is correct to say that offers within the field of Orange Tourism require a larger amount of participation and interaction from the traveller, and here at Entrelenguas we like to add that this necessary and obligatory participation and interaction has to come from both parties, the host as well.

From our centre, Entrelenguas, we have been working to empower this sector since our foundation in 2014. All of our activities are based on a genuine, local, and inclusive connection, and a complete cultural immersion. All of the fields in which Entrelenguas works (linguistic, cultural, touristic), contain a series of values and approaches that underline the principles of sustainability, ethics, and inclusive participation.

turismo naranja

Creativity plays a very important role in this too, as it is the tool which allows us to broaden our horizons and create alternative options to those of “traditional” tourism: not limiting ourselves, and allowing ourselves to be adventurous. As part of its goal to be different without losing its reputation for high quality, Entrelenguas offers activities from concerts to cooking workshops, to wine tourism, to gastronomic fairs, to theatre. Our customers are timeless, as they come to use seeking quality and a personalized service.

We hope to create a unique inclusive atmosphere where travellers, locals and students can find a space in which they can enjoy the time that we share together in the most real and authentic way. We want to present you with interesting things to do in Ronda, to turn our city into a destination for Orange Tourism.

These goals can be reached via only one path: through work and inspiration. It´s a bright inclusive path, and this time it is orange.

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